Family App
Real-time visit information

You may not be at your loved ones side 24/7 but with our new app you can see live updates on how they’re doing from wherever you are.
Communicate with your loved ones carer.
Communicate directly with those responsible for the service. Message the Coordinator about times, the Duty Supervisor about tasks or the Manager about the general service
Totally Transparent Care Planning and Care delivery. See what happened, when it happened as it happened.
Our new app allows you to see the history of Food & Fluid intake, whether medicines were taken or administered, whether your loved ones LifeLine was worn and they felt safe and secure. See in real time who is visiting next, what times are scheduled for the next 7 days calls and who is planned to attend.
View task by task what we’re asking our carers to complete during each visit. Check that the bins should go out on Tuesday Evening or that Mum has a Doctors appointment and needs to be ready early on Thursday.
Download the app today by contacting Assist Care Group, and requesting access details.
Live 24/7 Daily Updates
See real time carer visit information, what times are scheduled for the next 7 days calls and who is planned to attend.
Feedback To Carers
Provide specific feedback to carers, and communicate directly with those responsible for the service.
App Works On & Offline
You can access latest information via the app on both desktop and device, without the need of wifi.
View Care Plan
See what happened, when it happened as it happens. Have access to your loved ones updated care plan.