For surgical treatments, or when specialist or specific medical care is needed, it’s often necessary to stay in the hospital for recuperation.
However, research shows that once people are medically fit, they recover better and faster at home rather than remaining in hospital for extended periods of time.
Not only are homes quieter (therefore allowing easier and greater rest), but they also allow greater freedom and independence.
Friends and family can visit whenever they like which can be a great help both physically and emotionally. People can operate on a more normal schedule and there’s less risk of exposure to various illnesses, viruses and stresses.
Doing simple tasks independently, such as dressing or pottering around the house are also instrumental to maintaining muscle strength and mobility, both of which can rapidly deteriorate if you stay in bed for long periods of time.
If you’re aged 80 or over you can lose 10 percent of your muscle mass after just 10 days in a hospital bed.
What is Homefirst?
Home First is a multi-agency approach that enables patients to be discharged from hospital directly into their homes to recuperate.
The service, led by Sussex Community NHS Foundation Trust, is supported by social care professionals and providers. Assist Care Group has been a part of this team supporting people returning to their homes for close to a year.
This experience means we can accept referrals in less than 2 hours, any day of the week (with an average of 1.5 hours). We start care packages for people the same day.
Homefirst is an excellent way to get people out of hospital and comfortable in their familiar surroundings quickly. It also helps to prevent isolation and repeat hospital visits than can blight some patients after they return home from hospital.
How Assist Care can help…
In conjunction with our NHS partners and our fully qualified and specially trained team, we have helped dozens of people return to the comfort of their homes to live independently.
We’ve helped them be closer to their families and recuperate with dignity on their own schedule. Covid has added an extra layer of complexity, meaning patients are even more eager to return to their own homes.
In addition to the speed with which we can respond and get people back home, with Homefirst we can offer free care for people for up to 6 weeks, providing practical help and support, companionship and confidence building.
By working in multi-disciplinary teams, Assist Care can not only help people get back home to comfort and families, but also take some of the pressure off the NHS by freeing up hospital beds.
At Assist Care Group we’re proud to have played a role in helping both vulnerable people and hospitals throughout the last year and to continue to be at the forefront of getting people back on their feet to live a more comfortable and independent life.
If you’d like to find out more on how we can help you, check out our services page or contact us via our website below: