by acg-new | Apr 15, 2023 | Blog
When a close friend or loved one experiences a health, learning or physical disability which requires care, an understandable first reaction is to want to provide this ourselves so that they are able to stay in the familiar surroundings where they are at their...
by acg-new | Mar 13, 2023 | Work With Us
While everyone has their own thoughts on what makes the perfect career, a simple search of the internet quickly reveals that whatever the job, there are several common factors contributing to career satisfaction. These include: The atmosphere in the team and at the...
by acg-new | Feb 28, 2023 | Blog
Home care is an increasingly popular option for many of us who have elderly or vulnerable relatives who require extra support in their daily lives. It provides a way to keep our loved ones in the comfort of their own homes, while ensuring they receive the care they...
by acg-new | Jan 30, 2023 | Blog
The realisation that you or a loved one requires support because life is becoming too challenging to manage alone, can be quite daunting. It instantly raises questions about what sort of support is required and if a care home is the solution, not to mention the...
by acg-new | Jan 15, 2023 | Work With Us
As a care worker, you do a vital and often challenging job – frequently involving multiple visits to clients per day, each with diverse needs. By the very nature of your role, you are a special individual who is committed to providing your clients with the best...