by acg-new | Jun 14, 2022 | Blog
Ageing brings its challenges, and many people tend to rely increasingly on friends and family for support, particularly if they live alone. When it comes to couples, it is sometimes easy to forget that while they gain strength and support from one another, they may...
by acg-new | Jun 7, 2022 | Blog
Looking after a parent who is finding day-to-day life more challenging is a natural progression for many of us. While we want to support our parents so they can continue living as independently as possible and doing the things they love, we also need the peace of...
by acg-new | May 27, 2022 | Blog
When you love someone, you never stop caring, but every now and then you need to take a break and recharge your batteries. Caring for a loved one can be wonderfully rewarding, especially knowing that you are providing that special person with the 24-hour care they...
by acg-new | May 10, 2022 | Blog
The expectation that with age comes automatic memory loss is one of the greatest barriers to people seeking a dementia diagnosis. With dementia detection rates at a five year low, it is important to recognise when memory loss could be a symptom of something more than...
by acg-new | May 1, 2022 | Blog
Keeping yourself clean and healthy is a basic human need and something the vast majority of us take for granted. We think nothing of our daily routines of washing, toileting and taking care of ourselves. This is important for both our ongoing health as well as...
by acg-new | Apr 23, 2020 | Blog
All our staff have the right PPE To use at the right time. there are significant shortages and we are working hard to source next weeks supply! Keeping you safe and well. The Assist Care Group.